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/cyb/ - cyberpunk

“There will come a time when it isn't "They're spying on me through my phone", anymore. Eventually, it will be, "My phone is spying on me.””
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 No.70[Last 50 Posts]

What's some good cyberpunk music you guys have been listening to lately.

I've been listening to Crystal Castles I and La Roux lately. I only recent'y got into Castles and I'm loving them. Does anyone know any groups that sound similar to their less thrashy songs?


Also for anyone confused about the La Roux part, I think her music kind of sounds like what pop music would be like in a cyberpunk world. Plus her music is catchy anyways.



I've been into the demoscene, there is a good music podcast here




Cool, thanks for the link.



Not sure if it's strictly cyberpunk, but Omodaka's stuff is pretty good.



That's pretty neat. I love that beat.



Planisphere by Justice is pretty good too.



This is the tits. Slow at first, but now I'm hooked.



You guys should totally try Aphex Twin and AFX.



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Ken Ishii's stuff is pretty cyberpunk. This vid especially https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6maVVFs0As





Not sure if completely cyb but anyway
THYX - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjoBbOmSb70&feature=youtu.be
netcat - http://netcat.bandcamp.com/
Daisuke Tanabe - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_SKeV8TS5Y
com Truise - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjP5vjn-Lac
Boa (would this be cyb? yes/no? ) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETGTZNRG1OQ
i make noise, not sure if cyb enuf - https://soundcloud.com/kuad
this guy used to make cool stuff, cant wait for his next release - http://therazoredge.bandcamp.com/releases



>netcat - http://netcat.bandcamp.com/
Someone named a song after Hobbit's tool? That's pretty neat.



I don't think Boa is particularly cyb, but the song is absolutely fantastic.





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You know…
Insofar as Deus Ex is billed as a cyberpunk gaming undertaking…

The OST for it is a relaxing cyberpunk music experience, as well.




Good stuff. Thanks for posting those, I'll probably listen to some of them all week while I'm working.
I've never heard of Capsule, they seem pretty cool.
I agree, I loved the OST of Human Revolution.





guys you can embed youtube links here. under the chose file button



Let's see if we can embed youtube, shall we…?



What am I listening to? I don't give a fuck if it's actually music, this sounds incredible.




not really cyperpunk more like night music.



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Liked so much THYX's music and videos.



damn I'm loving that cyberia mix



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Front Line Assembly



What's your last.fm?
also, post your last.fms so we can share tastes and what not



Is chiptune metal cyberpunk?

Machinae Supremacy - Indiscriminate Murder Is Counter-Productive



Well shit, I'm a fucking retard.




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Thank you for introducing me to chiptune metal. Finals are now bearable.

Based anon





That anon here.

Coincidentally, I just got home from a final and put their discography back on before I checked this thread. :3





Thanks again anon. I'd post something in return, but I don't have much cyberpunk music in my arsenal. :/



Finals? Seem to be full of kids in lainchain.



What defines a kid?



It would have been more appropriate if you said manchildren. I got finals next week and I'm done until June.



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I have compiled a collection of Cyberpunk books. This is a v1 compilation so if I'm missing things you think should be in there let me know. Feel free to help seed. Spread the knowledge.









jeff mills FTW, saw him live in Melbourne a few years back



Jealous as fuck, he's crazy good at mixing.





I'm sure you've all heard it but I'm quite fond of Perturbator.



What's considered cyberpunk? Synthesizer music? 80's style?




Here's a link to his bandcamp if anyone wants something more organized than soundcloud.

seven7hwave dot bandcamp dot com

This is bitchin, thanks for sharing anon.



not nessesarily. Electronic music yes, but not always from the 80s. Listen to the sondtrack to the new Tron movie, its daft punk…thats cyberpunk to me. also download hte soundtrack to blade runner.etc..



oh fuck that is rocking!!! thanks for that! There is another french dude goes by the name of Kavinsky…similar electro.. www.youtube.com/watch?v=MV_3Dpw-BRY



check the sticky



thats because they are not cyberpunk. Listen to the sticky radio that is playing cyberpunk music and compare.



Listening to Pertubator right now, wow this is cool shit! im so gla di found this board



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This is my hangout now, chill, deep, vaporwave & more importantly nothing commercial being played ever.



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Um dude, why do i have to "log in" to listen to stuff online



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I suppose it's because you create avatars that you play your music with. I just use a fake twitter to log in



In the Pic you posted, what is Valentinky? I speak russian but i dont get what they are saying?



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I have no idea buddy where the image comes from, I only like the pic. I don't speak a work of russian



my russian i not great, but i think it says "did you get a valentine"



I remember seeing something similar that I think let you play or at least listen as a guest, though that was some time ago and it could have changed since.



Anyone in here like chiptunes? Especially Syd and Amiga shit.



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Floppy drive music is /cyb/ as fug, this one especially.




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Stumbled around this recently.






It would not have. People are sometimes called "manchildren" if they act childish despite their age: grown men who act like children.
Kids are young people who have things like finals.



This board is full of kids because of LAYER:06 KIDS



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I listen to mainly IDM, glitch, and experimental electronic music. Every time I put anything of the sort on I imagine it representing some cyperpunk world.

Funnily enough, I installed gentoo for the first time to the Flexing Habitual album.




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I listen to a lot of jpop. Not very /cyb/, though someone mentioned capsule above and I agree with them. I bet yasutaka nakata smells like nothing but money and pussy all day long.





Noise and Vaporgrave are probably the most cyberpunk it gets.

ad. Noise
I'm rather surprised nobody really did anarchist noise yet.

ad. Vaporwave
I can't help but think that that's what pop really would be in a cyberpunk setting, at least to the lower classes and naturally the protagonists.



RIP noise chan



Lost Years is fucking great if you like that neo-synthwave sound. https://soundcloud.com/lostyears
Also, Com Truise

Check out this music video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMjCxV7u8OA



Is anarchist noise a genre or just noise made by anarchist?
If the latter, you might want to look around here:



I basically meant noise that uses Anarchist imagery, instead of fascism, rape or murder, like Power Electronics and the like.



>deus ex
mah nigga



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Nothing has, or will ever surpass my taste for Hardcore and it's derivatives.

Colossal bass-kicks that atomizes your entire being in the transient state of 180 bpm.

None can compare.



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Is digital hardcore cyberpunk?
Atari Teenage Riot sure is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkb3r9filcM

D-Trash records has lots of free digital hardcore: http://www.lunaticfringe.org/~schizoid/dtrashrecords/
I really like 64revolt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZfWFKhxZAo



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Just about everything here, really good synthwave music



added this to the sticky



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Yeah ATR is cyberpunk as fuck.
Generally not my taste, but I do like their track Sick To Death a lot, it's faster and harder than most of their general stuff.

They were also pretty ballsy, I mean look at this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ab7Dksqfnw
Live performance in 1999 Berlin, actual riot and a fight with the police breaks out amongst the audience and the riot-police, who eventually breaks it all up and apprehend the band screaming "Fuck the police". Lol.

Why did this anarchic spirit die in Europe? I wish it didn't.



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Atari Teenage Riot is the greatest. I'm glad i own every album. A lot of Alec Empires solo stuff is great as well. See "Low on Ice"



Lou Reed's Metal Machine Music must have sounded pretty /cyb/ in its day. Also: Neuroticfish and Clock DVA on the electronic/industrial/experimental side; Starscream and Brother Android on the chiptune side.



I figure Bytebeat is appropriate here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCRPUv8V22o



got tour de france soundtrack by kraftwerk the other day
it's alright

also how /cyb/ is chiptune? I know demoscene is big.



how do you feel about this track?



its good idea to search music genre through bandcamp-site tags



Holy shit. YAS. D-Trash's artists are what I would consider literal "cyberpunk" music. That label is fucking great.



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OOH yeah, saw mr hood in Melbourne a few years ago…he was actualy not that great. But the rest of the show was pretty bangin







i have a few live sets from the esrly 2000son my Minidisc collection.absolutely baaangin. also md is cyberpunk



Nice music, thankfully you can essentially turn off the annoying chat too.



more along these lines



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no one has brought up com truise? srsly



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I'm gonna take your chillwave and unceremoniously propose some vaporwave




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Though yeah, I have to admit that I am actually totally addicted to chillwave either way.



Yeah I fucking did. I even posted his crazy /cyb/ music vidya



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This is cyberpunk as fug





This shit is coconuts!





oh hels yeah thats good



Dearest Anon, please don't link to sites like that. You're welcome to post a magnet link, though.



really? linking to piratebay is againstvthe rules here?? ok noted



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Been getting back into She as of late.




Embedding youtube-videos is OK but linking to torrent-sites is not?
I'd like an explanation here.



Use magnet links





hey thanks!



In a company's eyes? Yes.



Really dig this thread



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Traci Lords
Miami Nights 1984
Code 64
Assemblage 23
Colony 5
Noise Unit
VNV Nation
Juno Reactor
Human Agency
Icon of Coil
Lost Years
Noir Deco

We should be able to embed audio, not google services.

More like gaming metal



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why the fuck is there chinese people talking in our radio?
whoever puts the music in there, take that shit out and add this thread's music.
that 4chan cd is shit too, or at least it's not /cyb/

the radio's been a great idea, anyway.



you what



There are some anime soundtracks in /radio/
The other day it was playing one of those tracks in which the characters talk to eachother with high-pitched voices during 40 minutes.



C-drone defect
Mental discipline




Just this. The whole collection is jazzy-cyberpunk



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Just a friendly reminder that Perturbators new album Dangerous Days will be released on bandcamp later today.
And according to his twitter, it's gonna be 'Name your price' like his last albums.



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kudos for this, gotta love perturbator







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Been listening to a lot of The Plague Sequence lately. Pretty alright stuff, both albums are free. http://www.theplaguesequence.com/



not exactly cyberpunk, but digital punk is good enough






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1000 thanks



curl https://lainchan.org/cyb/res/70.html | perl -pe "s/(<[^<>]*>)/\1\n/gi" | grep -E '(((http|https|ftp|gopher)|mailto)[.:][^ >"\t]*|www\.[-a-z0-9.]+)[^ .,;\t>">\):]' | perl -pe 's/.*\"(https?:\/\/[^"]*)\".*/\1/gi' | egrep -v "target|blank|<br"



Holy fuck is that how Perl looks like?
Some parts look like alien glyphs to me.



it's what a bad perl/grep bash line to extract links from this thread looks like
normally you woudnt do stupid things like that but i really love [this thread] and it looked cyb so i posted it here for bump and stuff
>grep -E '(((http|https|ftp|gopher)|mailto)[.:][^ >"\t]*|www\.[-a-z0-9.]+)[^ .,;\t>">\):]' is from the internet and sort of finds links in html code, but the lainchan html is compressed and it didnt work so i added a little hack to expand it
>perl -pe "s/(<[^<>]*>)/\1\n/gi"
it's a substitution regex (s/foo/bar/ replaces foo by bar), and im matching < followed by any number of characters that are neither < nor > ( this is done by [^<>]*, see doc for details) and then >
soo what i wanted to do is match foo and add a \n after foo, so i used a backreference. thats s/(foo)/\1\n/ , the \1 gets replaced by the thing that gets matched in braces. and after the regex there are the letters gi which stands for global (replace multiple occurences) and case Insensitive matching.
uh.. and then i wrote another thingy to *really* extract the links and removed some stuff that was matched wrong with egrep -v ( doing egrep -v "foo|bar" will remove all lines containing foo or bar ).
please note that while perl and perl regexp can be used for creating actualy working technology, all this is just a silly broken thing i built instead of solving a sudoku puzzle or something




Like the man said, most of the alien part is just regex. If you want something truly cryptic, try APL.



>The following function "life", written in Dyalog APL, takes a boolean matrix and calculates the new generation according to Conway's Game of Life. It demonstrates the power of APL to implement a complex algorithm in very little code, but it is also very hard to follow unless one has an advanced knowledge of APL.
>life←{↑1 ⍵∨.∧3 4=+/,¯1 0 1∘.⊖¯1 0 1∘.⌽⊂⍵}

to sort of stay on topic a little bit, i'm through everything now and i found seven7hwave really great ( >>197 )



So are the official /cyb/erpunk genres:
>retro electro pop
>anything with vintage synths
>dark techno
>acid house
>modern versions of aforementioned genres

Oh and on an unrelated note my friend made a program in haskell that creates an estimated sheet music for random pieces. He never gave the source code though.
Thought it was cool



Actually for 80's I'd stick with retro electro pop and synthpop/synthwave, maybe dark techno
Maybe big beat like in Boogiepop Phantom



i agree with your list. i think i'm going to create another cyberpunk radio with the bands in this thread btw, the cyberadio.pw one is getting on my nerves



This looks good - personally I'd add hardcore EDM (i.e., gabber, speedcore) and noise to the modern section.



you know lainchan has a radio, right?





>This looks good - personally I'd add hardcore EDM (i.e., gabber, speedcore)
At first I was going to say that's covered under "hardcore techno" but I realized I only put "dark techno", which are pretty different.
So yeah definitely, but I'd stick with hardcore techno so things like hardstyle and other derivatives are included.
>and noise to the modern section
Seems 2deep4cyberpunk, but now that I think about it I imagine a dystopian world with stuff like Ben Frost playing. So why not.

We should have dedicated days for certain genres/sounds, like some for vintage and some for modern. I think it might be cool~



Oh and I meant to put dark techno, and techno in general, in the 90's section since it didn't come about until then, same with big beat



Digital hardcore is missing from your list!






Digital Hardcore?

>Digital hardcore is a music genre that melds hardcore punk with electronic music such as hardcore techno, industrial and drum and bass.
Shit, definitely sounds good, I was going to add hardcore techno anywa-
>The style developed in Germany during the early 1990s, and often has sociological or left-extremist lyrical themes.[1]
Eeeh, I guess, I mean extreme left-wing can be a part of cyberpu-
>Digital hardcore music is typically fast and abrasive; combining the speed, heaviness and attitude of hardcore punk, thrash metal, and partly of riot grrrl[1][2]
>riot grrrl
Hey man I can only go so far. Fuck it though, as long as it isn't the same as cheesy folk punk and stuff like Pussy Riot it should be fine, and plus I'm not the god of music genres, digital hardcore does fit the scene of cyberpunk after all.

Might as well toss in cybergrind too.
Genghis Tron is my shit.
>inb4 ew metal + electronic it must be like those gay metalcore groups with trance synths tossed in
Eat shit, it's like grindcore and IDM/glitch. Plus who cares, anything can be good.

Anyways off topic, I don't know why I typed that all out I'm out of it.
Digital hardcore and cybergrind should be added along with hardcore techno, not going to include speedcore because that's just really fast paced gabber, which is a form of hardcore techno.



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Stop, you're reminding me of my angsty teenage years.



>complaining about left-wing themes in a punk derived genre
>complaining about riot grrl

RAC/NSBM fag detected



Deus ex had such a beautiful Soundtrack.



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oh shit dubmood has a new website with shitloads of very cyb music

containing links like

just listen to the damn thing will ya



Too bad the other soundtracks Mike McCann made aren't as good.



You're telling me, I used to dress like such a faggot when I listened to all the -core metal genres. Though there's a lot of good grindcore, and some all right cybergrind because of it. Plus it does fit /cyberpunk/, which is the important thing.

>complaining about left-wing themes in a punk derived genre
Fair enough fair enough. That's why I back pedaled later in the post.
>complaining about riot grrl
Ayyye nah man; let's not get into politics though.

>RAC/NSBM fag detected

Kek, just because I'm not radical left doesn't mean I'm a Nazi.
Though you caught me, I do enjoy a lot of NSBM.
Still not a Nazi.



>Though you caught me, I do enjoy a lot of NSBM.
>Still not a Nazi.

yeah okay



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Hahah, yeah bro. But for me personally oldschool's where it's at. It had a completely different "feel" to it. Will never stop moving to these tunes:

Oh! And I'm going to an outdoor Hardcore/Hardstyle rave this weekend! The first of it's kind that I've go a chance to attend! I'm fucking thrilled to say the least. I had only had the chance to attend Psytrance-raves up until now, since it has gathered quite the lively local scene here where I live. And that's great and all but Hardcore (and later Hardstyle) have been my favorite genres since early high school. Really excited.



Hitler was ok



Japanese people don't have taste.



This is Gabber.



>tfw you will never be a heavy-hitting repetitive baseline.



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Here's my music, most bands are /cyb/ related.
Recommendations would be great.



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>Access to Arasaka
We bros
Check out Trentemøller

Also check the thread, good mix of retro electro pop to glitch stuff



ty for the list



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I bite yo bite yo fockin style




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Just found this earlier today



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You, or anyone know the name of this type of DnB? Absolutely love the sound of the drums.
@ 5:32 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7Vz--OLq4A#t=5m32s



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I am deeply hurt when I finally manage to catch the radio when someone's streaming only for it to stop after 3 or so minutes.



I started a Spotify radio with Lainchan's 404 song. I use it mostly at the gym, but I feel a bit more /cyb/ every time I torrent a monthly Hardstyle top40.

Headhunterz - Blame it on the Music



I wish I knew. That artist (Treow) has some more good music with similar beats though. He hits some pretty good feels.



Would Neuroticfish be considered /cyb/?



Chiptune! The soundtrack to Digital: A Love Story is fantastic.



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Is this cyb?



More ambient cyberpunk than chip-tunes.
Thought it was pretty good.



I tried my hand at creating a kinda chill vapourwave cloudrap beat today. Would you say it's /cyb/?






Day 2: Second Attempt. This songlet actually contains samples from Serial Experiments Lain Ep 1.




Literally one of the best soundtracks from any game ever. I still listen regularly it almost 5 years after it was released.

For some reason I feel like this doesn't hit me right or fit correctly with what I think you're trying to achieve. I get the feeling it's too simple and there isn't enough in the track to keep me interested as well as how samples from the show just randomly pop in, makes them feel out of place, I'd suggest playing around with those samples and how they transition into the beat in the background. I'm not an expert making music or whatever, I just really like to listen to it.

Also I'd would take a look at an artist named PERSONΔ, he shapes his music heavily around Lain, using a lot of samples from the show in his work as well as some programmy/cybertechy references and that shiznit.


Funnily enough, apparently he only has 6 listeners and only one of them (me) has listened to his data.bin album of which I think is pretty damn good.



You're quite right. It's my first time sampling anything so I went expectedly overboard. This songlet was more like snippets of Lain held together by a cloudy beat, just to help get myself used to it. I had problems during it regarding how to keep it interested but by that point I said "fuck it" and just finished it.



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Just finished checking the thread and added some new stuff, Trentemoller was cool.
I didn't know that genre was called glitch, I'm lookig into it now.



Nine Inch Nails, Aphex Twin( his new/old Caustic Window LP is fucking great), Death grips, Rob Zombie, Juno Reactor, etc.

although they're not nessecarily Cyberpunk, per sé, most of the music by the artists mentioned certainly fits the theme.


Seconding this, Jus†ice is a godtier band.



could you paste it as text




Access To Arasaka
Aes Dana
Alva Noto
Ashbury Heights
Assemblage 23
Blade Runner
C-Drone Defect
Chances End
Code 64
Colony 5
Com Truise
Daisuke Tanabe
Deus Ex ST
Frozen Plasma
Funker Vogt
Fusspils 11
Gecko Sector
Genghis Tron
Ghost in the Shell ST
Ghost & Writer
Highway Superstar
Human Agency
Icon Of Coil
Imperative Reaction
In Strict Confidence
Johnny Mnemonic ST
Jordan F
Juno Reactor
Kenny G
Liquid Divine
Lost Years
Lueur Verte
Machines of Loving Grace
Mega Drive
Mental Discipline
Miami Nights 1984
Neotokio ST
Noir Deco
Noise Unit
Palm Highway Chase
Pride and Fall
Protector 101
Ryoji Ikeda
Silent Gloves
Slow Magic
The Black Dog
The Flashbulb
The Matrix ST
The Mission
VNV Nation
Watch Dogs ST



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try rutracker.org if you can't find something in tpb. I got all that music from there.



>What's some good cyberpunk music you guys have been listening to lately.


I love Dougal & Gammer's remix, but Mitch Murder's remix fits that high tech, low life theme a lot.



that's so true
i tried to find stuff from an artist who only does web releases, because his site and many downloads were down, and while tpb had almost nothing, rutracker had a full discography, including the guys' other two aliases, most in flac is it was ever released like that.
of course this only has anecdotal value but still.



thanks for the tipp, but how do i search on that site? do i have to register?



seems so.
Also, they seem to hate bugmenot.



User ; WiredIwakuraLain
Password; everybody's favourite nightclub, all low-case



Mail lainisnotwired@gmail.com
pass c******track44



Is Worship the Glitch by Coil a cyberpunk?



>crystal castles
>la roux
That's hipster, not /cyb/.

Venetian snares is /cyb/.



Anti-Piracy is not /cyb/.



Go fuck yourself already.
Thanks for the link.



File: 1406433580903.gif (1.9 MB, 312x250, literally the most awkward….gif)

>using the word hipster ever



does anyone have some netcat albums?
I can't buy them and rutracker didn't help.



i bought it, now where to upload?



Does music like this count or is it not kosher?



There's pomf.se





thanks 'non





i'm sure someone already mentioned the GOING QUANTUM PODCAST on youtube, but it's just so damn good.
i marked a part i liked in a recent episode:



I'd just like to say I've been enjoying the lainchan radio.



File: 1406806127475.gif (497.52 KB, 500x500, 1396589579546.gif)

Ah, thanks for the reminder. Always listened to that a couple of years ago when I still had a youtube-account.



I cringed at the lyrics.
It's just 2 damn edgy 4 me.



>Thinking it's a bad thing
I like them, they're just not /cyb/.



>not just random sounds



Anarchism, yo.
And that word - you're over-using it.



Technodiktator by the band Turmion Katilot has a cyberpunk aesthetic



oh wow thanks, i never can distinguish the songs in those fucking mixes, let alone get the names.





I dislike music



>Does anyone know any groups that sound similar to their less thrashy songs?
Although crystal castles isn't really /cyb/, I'd say that 'purity ring' matches their style pretty well.



File: 1407360846684.jpg (155.04 KB, 500x500, access_to_arasaka-oppidan5….jpg)

what's the best glitch band and why is it Access to Arasaka?



I don't know, provide some links to lazy bastards and maybe we'll find some good arguments.



Everyone prefers different links, you can look it up wherever you want.



you dudes do use soulseek right? who needs links



AtA is great, I own Oppidan, Void and Geosyncron as physical disks.



You may like Tineidae.
I would own him physically.



Jesus, their website is a complete mindfuck right now, I should try looking at it again when I'm sober. The music is pretty good though.



File: 1407714183668.jpg (85.36 KB, 660x456, drugs-03-660x456.jpg)

Just got back from rolling on high-class MD in a forest rave that played Psytrance, Hardstyle and Hardcore.

Never danced that hard, or long, in my life.




try glitch mob - drink the sea album - other one sucks.





I listen to midnightsnacks.fm hosted by W.T. Snacks. This weeks show was pretty typical (and very good)

>This show has been tagged with the following:

ambient, chiptune, club, hip-hop, house, idm, indie, juke, post-rock, psych, r'n'b, shoegaze, trip-hop



did you mean: my waifu



Haha! Nah, I appreciate the filter that kalyx applied on /drg/, but this is an anonymous imageboard, being without it is also enough.

Hardstyle man.









FUCK YES. Hardstyle has made it to the Thread




The mixes on Bonkers XI are more cyber oriented. I don't know if Happy hardcore could even be /cyb/



I'm sure it exists some gems!
Late 90 gabber took a nice sway of psy/tech influence imo. >>764

Here's some great fun frenchcore.



File: 1408478159714.jpg (133.99 KB, 400x400, Cover.jpg)

Haujobb's crossfire is a great track and their whole album in general is heavily cyberpunk related, both lyrics and music.

I also made a long cyberpunk inspired dronish ambient track some years ago.



>Pink Floyd
Go home /radio/, you're drunk



Thats pretty good stuff. Forgot Bonkers Comp had this mix on this album



heard this artist in an ambient mix once

Gel-Sol 1104



dunno how /cyb/ this is but archive.org has a torrent of every song by a record label that went out of business.
Genre is deep house / techno dub.



One of my Hacking themes



Oppidan is just greatness



File: 1408988424056.gif (1.59 MB, 1920x1152, 1399962484544.gif)



File: 1409044939477.jpg (3.53 MB, 3264x2448, 00-sugar_minott-inna_regga….jpg)

http://oneinthejungle.co.uk/ is a huge jungle archive.



that is dope as heck, thanks



File: 1409166541284.png (1.13 MB, 1020x680, outsource_yourself.png)

I think this is pretty cyberpunk:



pls no nigging





image sauce please



Damn thats good



File: 1409412783770.jpeg (44.21 KB, 500x485, R-2475192-1286106942.jpeg)

Can anyone with a private tracker account search for this album?

Five songs are available here
but I couldn't find the rest.



I think that this song from lain bootleg sounds breddy cyberpunk, one of my favorites.



i cant find it on http://rutracker.org/ with the credentials provided above. consider buying it.



Yeah, it's not on rutracker.
That album was sold exclusively in some European tour, can't be bought anymore. I would if I could.



File: 1409477109715.jpg (166.9 KB, 1200x1125, cd-the-crystal-method-vega….jpg)

The Crystal Method - Vegas (full album)




I had Tineidae - Lights too, as a digital download but it seems to be gone now. A shame, it was pretty good too.





i think yung lean is pretty /cyb/



File: 1409681408867.gif (499.52 KB, 500x350, 1336393921507.gif)



It's quite a stretch to call this cyberpunk, but it's a hell of a good album. A good record, even. A good LP.




File: 1409749572035.png (300.71 KB, 1393x1705, torrent-tracker-graphic.png)

Beautiful Breakbeat man. Love it.
Any recomemendations for good private trackers with a plenthora of electronic music?
I like Minimal Techno, Deep Dub/House, Breakbeat, Hardcore, Happy Hardcore, Hardstyle, Acid-, Psy-, Tech-, Neo- Trance, Ambient Techno, Psybient and the list goes on. So you can imagine that I'd want a good source for these things, outside DRM-ridden of streaming sites (which I'm stuck with now). I'd rather download full compilations and own the tracks themselves, to sort them and structure them into oblivion (I like to do that).

So - any tips?
While I'm at it, pic related. Too bad I don't know how to get an invite into any of them.



As a thanks-in-advance.



i don't feel as much. but i enjoy some of his songs.

i'll recommend Bones as a rapper who every once in a while strays into cyberpunk themes. Or at least more tech-influenced than the average rapper.




>crystal castles

mah nigga



That's the amen break, although masterfully cut.

Just practice and study and get into what.cd, it's the best option and you absolutely will not regret it. It's a small price for all of that music.

Also, who doesn't like sorting and structuring their music into oblivion? I wouldn't recommend you download compilations though. Just collect the singles with their side-As/ Side - Bs. It'll let you get a better understanding for the labels and scenes that gave birth to the records plus you're bound to hear more obscure tracks. From there on out if you wanted to you could start collecting simple wax by ordering off discogs and you'd already have all the records you'd want. Fuck collecting comps exclusively.

These links might interest you.

>Ninjaaquas oldskool junglebreakbeat archive





File: 1409950705164.jpg (800.14 KB, 1472x972, A_Split_Second_press_photo….jpg)

Been listening to "Mambo Witch" by A Split Second on repeat since I came across it earlier this morning. So fucking good




>human revolution OST
nah, you need to hear the good shit, bro.
The composer is Alexander Brandon
Here it goes

Unatco - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBPK_oXeJgA

NYC Streets (my favorite) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgIE6Pb_MFE

DuClare Chateau - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uX0hU7jQ5O4

Paris Streets - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_hJEtqUlj0

Honestly, to enjoy the music the best, just play the game, it's absolutely breathtaking.



File: 1410018490144.gif (3.77 MB, 471x272, pHvpBxx.gif)

pretty cool, but talking about classic game sountracks i'd rather listen to
those are starcraft 1, mind you. and yes i'm drifting off the cyb track a little but not too far i figure



>anyone know the name of this type of DnB?

Old post, I know. But just for anyone else's sake, it's called breakcore.



old school blizzard soundtracks were pretty in depth.



Original poster of that song. Thank you.



Is this guy's stuff cyberpunk?

I really like mitch murder's in the news.







> Is this guy's stuff cyberpunk?
If that isn't, I don't know what is.



glitch hop.
give it a few mins.
listened to this countless times over the past couple weeks. just amazing

mr bill: sonic bloom set




There is three different kind of real music (and thus cyberpunk music) in this world: western art music, British 60's and 70's rock music and sid playbacked on original hardware.



Excelent thread people. Really nice stuff going on here. I love some glitch, if you have good suggestions I'd love to hear them.




I just checked and you can log in with an email




Title: Protocol In Dub
Artist: 3x6
Album: SUBHUMAN (I honestly think this is THE lainchan/cyb/ album)
Label: Subroc Recordings



Is chipmusic cyberpunk by default?
By the way I've been listening to this guy's stuff lately:
Mighty good old-schoolish chipmusic

And these tracks too

Try this, it's metal as fuck
His other albums are well worth a listen too.



enough people have asked this question to convince me it is.
One of my favorite chip artists:



http://www.last.fm/group/Tactical+Neural+Implant — nice place, if somebody here uses last.fm

Miyuki: http://miyuki.bandcamp.com/
Kid Smpl, his last EP: http://hushhushrecords.bandcamp.com/album/silo-tear-ep — is a masterpiece
Liar: https://soundcloud.com/liarinth
Lorn: https://soundcloud.com/lorn — don't know why, but he deleted almost everything from his sc
Ben Frost: http://benfrost.bandcamp.com/



>memory substract
God damn this is so fucking good, I can't get enough of it



Any way to get soundcloud bands' songs without javascript?
Most of them aren't in rutracker, and that sucks.



File: 1410804300737.gif (76.96 KB, 500x356, tumblr_mx5jcwNOZG1qgqv1io1….gif)



guess not, might try sometime, better JS than flash



File: 1411067971627.jpg (2.56 MB, 3840x1080, wntr.jpg)

It might be a little hard, but its certainly appropriate sometimes.


Diaphene is perfect for when you're doing things you shouldn't.

a little Tor never hurt anyone.

And im glad to see we have some industrial and goth as well.

Biopsyhoz never declares themselves industrial, but are always worth putting on the big screen, mute or no.




>Those delicious kicks





Anyone tried rateyourmusic.com?
I've been having problems with it.
The search function doesn't work, the loading icon sits rolling there and nothing happens, and whenever I open an album's page and try to rate it, it tells me I must choose an issue in the issues section. I click one of the issues' link but still get the same "choose an issue" thing that won't let me rate anything.

I thought it was noscript's thing, but I whitelisted the site and things won't work anyway.



I would just like to thank OP for showing me Crystal Castles. I am enjoying Crimewave immensely



Is Death Grips /cyb/?



I left 4chin to escape the Ded Grapes.
Why must he hunt me mercilessly.



Mister Grips is just relentless and we have to deal with it.



yeah, it got posted a few times
you don't have to listen to it though
nice dubs btw



fucking coconuts brah



Can't believe Vangelis hasn't been mentioned yet. Absolutely god-tier late-night coding music. He did the soundtrack to Blade Runner, and a lot of his personal releases are in a similar style. Most of his songs are on Spotify and similar sources.



Thank you! I can't believe I haven't heard that stuff before, it's absolutely brilliant.







May someone upload seven7hwave's albums? I don't use cybermoney.
In return some SDR. Make sure to check Pineal Glands when you're there.




May someone upload seven7hwave's albums? I don't use cybermoney.
In return some SDR. Make sure to check Pineal Glands when you're there.




May someone upload seven7hwave's albums? I don't use cybermoney.
In return some SDR. Make sure to check Pineal Glands when you're there.




File: 1411837107718.jpg (39.33 KB, 680x383, aphex kek.jpg)


Aphex Twin has always been /cyb/, he released a new album very recently.

Aphex Twin - Syro



This will lift my spirits for a while.



youtube-dl can download soundcloud tracks
I'm a happy person right now.



DownloadHelper can download nearly anything.



>gets taken down

Fuck. Should've ripped the whole damn thing.

I should probably just buy the album.



Check rutracker.org, if you don't know how to use it there's a guide in /mu/'s sticky.



holy shit I've been looking for this video for a long time




Behold the goddess of chiptune.



Fucking glorious.



capsule - starry sky is the classic



what are some good trance/techno internet radio stations that don't have ads and play songs with little to no vocals in them?



pay for di.fm



File: 1412861417936.jpg (233.11 KB, 500x500, Various - WaxTrax Black Bo….jpg)

I'd suggesst that if any of you are into Electronic Body Music (EBM for shorthand) or Industrial, you take a look at "Black Box: Wax Trax! The First 13 Years"

It's a nice little "Best Of Collection" of what the company had to offer



"May someone upload seven7hwave's albums? I don't use cybermoney."

Hi - my two albums can be downloaded for free at https://seven7hwave.bandcamp.com/

Just click "Buy Now," and enter 0.00 (or whatever you'd like) as the price. I also have some other tracks at https://soundcloud.com/seven7hwave


Kent // seven7hwave



Thanks, I should've taken a better look.

Do you mind some constructive criticism? Subjective of course.
Your music feels to me like "good music in a box".
I think you should try to make it more dynamic by using interesting drum tracks (see mind.in.a.box), going glitchy here and there (Access to Arasaka, Tineidae), and whatever you come up with, aiming to make an album one can listen to lots of times and hear something new every time.
If you want inspiration for a new track, check the movie Trancers.



how do you know about us??



File: 1413232540149.jpg (35.98 KB, 355x361, hackers.jpg)



Also use mpsyt for all youtube music listening.



<<Do you mind some constructive criticism? Subjective of course.
Your music feels to me like "good music in a box".
I think you should try to make it more dynamic by using interesting drum tracks (see mind.in.a.box), going glitchy here and there (Access to Arasaka, Tineidae), and whatever you come up with, aiming to make an album one can listen to lots of times and hear something new every time.
If you want inspiration for a new track, check the movie Trancers.>>

Thanks for the feedback.

I've never been much of a glitch guy - I'll leave that to the masters like AtA and c.db.sn - but do like to add in weird elements and breaks. To be honest I am in one hell of a fucking creative rut right now; I've been playing a lot of guitar rather than producing. I'm always looking for inspiration, so I'll give that stuff a listen. Weird anime is always good too.

One track I HAVE managed to finish (almost) is based on Death Powder - the first Japanese cyberpunk movie. I'll release here first when it's mastered.

how do you know about us??>>

I cyber-stalk myself sometimes with Google…sometimes I come across interesting conversations like this ; )



Oh and I should also mention that the new song also samples SEL; I mangled the ever-living shit out of a conversation snippet I grabbed.



that's really cool, I can't wait to hear it! especially since I first heard about you in this thread



>I'm always looking for inspiration
You came to the right thread then, there's almost nothing I can recommend that's not been listed here.

Also fuck yeah c.db.sn. I hope he looks himself up in the intertubes too so he an join us.



Neon Shudder

But bandcamp requires js and youtube-dl falls short with this one.



File: 1413361775431.gif (924.46 KB, 640x352, Flye-reveal.gif)

greyhound - headcheck

Torvvo - VOID (vvodrumstak)

siobhan - del ray '97

james ferraro - suki girlz 21

current value - motorscience

can't go wrong with some of current values old shit




Movie Magick, a friend of mine found them, a obscure little band but you should be able to find them on last.fm and youtube



>death grips
>not cyberpunk
u joking m79?



Clark has not been mentioned…



you'd probably like Crystal Method as well. I haven't heard much of their stuff but what I have heard is perfect driving-in-the-city-at-night material.



File: 1413643693213.jpg (579.66 KB, 1000x1000, a2538822796_10.jpg)

Everyone listen to this right now.




not sure if /cyb/ but The Knife.
I forget about them, occasionally, but always come back.



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File: 1414129450964.jpg (69.49 KB, 1024x768, 1280-by-1024-539535-200711….jpg)

Eurobeat / Ridge Racer OSTs
Genghis Tron is always a great call as well



That soundtrack alone deserves its own single player campaign.



Dub techno. Basic channel and the like.

Here's something I made on some old hardware.



The album Decadence by Deux
also fits with the vibe requested in the OP



oh do I love Tympanik Audio




It's not explicitly cyberpunk, but I was introduced to Lain via an AMV with this song, so it's idellibly associated with it in my head.





The Soul Hackers soundtrack. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmjEEBbEmsA



File: 1414752920561.jpg (136.82 KB, 1500x937, Neotokyo° Jinrai.jpg)

In case you've somehow missed this gem: Neotokyo° OST

Might I suggest some personal favourites:

Annul - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oM6eZJRurFk

Scrap I/O - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5byxSgCDDo

Departure - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msFbOHoouPs

Beacon - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-pUXTUXfeM

Anyone know more songs like this?



doom - tower of babel (E2M8)
doom 2 - dead simple (MAP07)

also some remixes I've found of them sound pretty cyb IMO



I don't know how many of you actually dig SID Metal, but MaSu are definitely onto something.

Also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02obhgHcYAY

This is schway enough.


This is top tier. Love the lain.



just type 0.00 when you hit buy - my music is free / pay-what-you-want so no worries about finding ripping methods



How about early Einstürzende Neubauten?.





The 'buy now' link doesn't work for me, and I whitelisted the site's scripts. Maybe it uses flash or something.





dude what the fuck; I haven't listen to F-777 since I was on newgrounds six or seven years ago. I'm surprised he's still around.

Gost has been a new favorite of mine, https://soundcloud.com/jet-set-trash/gost-motion-static-tokyo-1





Since apparently nobody mentioned it yet:

Far Cry III Blood Dragon OST by Powerglove





bump for faggots






What exactly makes music "cyberpunk"?







>>5371 >>5370
>bumping the sticky
>calling everyone on cyb a faggot
could someone break out the banhammer?

there is no exact definition of cyberpunk. i think there is a tiny subculture movement thing in some places, but there is also many different flavors of stuff that is called cyberpunk by a bunch of people, e.g. the william gibson fandom. there is a pretty good wikipedia article on this topic, but for music it's of course a pretty…difficult topic

i strongly suggest that most music with some possible relevance to cyberpunk culture is welcome here, which means everything with a dystopian scifi theme, most kinds of electronic music, everything industrial something and of course everything with a lot of synth or resembling the sountrack of any cyberpunk-themed franchise

>>5391 love it



PS: >>5269 yeah some cool cat on >>>/r/3801 dug it out :D



Pronobozo and Dual Core



>The 'buy now' link doesn't work for me, and I whitelisted the site's scripts. Maybe it uses flash or something.
you failed to whitelist a required script or something, it works fine on a firefox with flash disabled. our maybe your ip address be fishy or something



I listen to a lot of drum and bass, dubstep, jungle, ambient and also got all 33 stations of Soma FM in my list (including the 3 seasonal Xmas ones that bring the total number of active stations to 33, normally it runs just 30).



Forgot about KOSMO KAT. dem synths



>HEALTH - Die Slow
A combination of noise rock, electronica, and (on other songs) tribal-esque drumming. You may know this band from the Max Payne 3 OST.
>HEALTH - Death+
One of the more drum intensive tracks.



You should definitly add some DnB sub-genres like neurofunk or darkstep.



>Crystal Castles
Taste-tested on yourtube. Just downloaded an album of theirs. Thanks.>>70




The backstory behind the house genre is pretty high-tech low-life as well.





I'm not sure if neurofunk counts as cyb, but it's pretty dystopian.









Virtual Terrorist just released a new album.

Some pretty good music and themes imo





>no Machinedrum

I found him in a cyberpunk BBS. It does not get any more legit than that.



File: 1416470800789.jpg (25.63 KB, 350x350, a2672314810_2.jpg)

One of my all-time favorite albums. Only 4 songs, but they are all excellent.




Some more 90s Hardcore.



Top this.



treid making some cyberpunk inspired music




8bit music video




This was awesome, and musically as good as Carpenter Brut

Carpenter Brut - Obituary



File: 1416946706185.jpg (30.48 KB, 640x352, gits_drop.jpg)

Kmon people.. psytrance! For me it's the most cyberpunk, for the 21st century. Glitch is of course awesome too.
Astral projection
Electric Universe



I take your psytrance, and raise some fuarrrking psycore. [My waifu] can't wait to trip out to this soykaf




File: 1417120995735.jpg (1.24 MB, 1920x1280, 1388507501777.jpg)

Aw neat, PsyTrance in the mix!
Here's some DarkPsy:

Experienced Astrix live earlier this year!



Rateyourmusic doesn't work without google and last.fm is soykaf in general so I guess I'm stuck with what I have.
Dumping: 1/2

aAirial, Ab Ovo, Access To Arasaka, Acnode, Alva Noto, Anklebiter, Aphorism, Apparent Symmetry, Autechre, Autoclav1.1, Bad Sector, Blutspan, Boy Is Fiction, Byetone, Candle Nine, c.db.sn, CH District, Comaduster, Dirk Geiger, Disharmony, Displacer, DNN, Dryft, Flaque, Frank Bretschneider, Freeze Etch, Gatekeeper, Gridlock, Headdreamer, Hecq, Huron, In a Mindset, Integral, Jamie Lidell, Known Rebel, Krusseldorf, MikTek, Millipede, Nebulo, Normotone, Ocoeur, Odori, Plaid, Pleq, Proem, r.roo, Sk'p, Stendeck, Subaeris, Subheim, Tapage, The Flashbulb, The Glitch Mob, This Morn' Omina, Tineidae, Tokee, Tortoise, Totakeke, Trentemoller, Two Lone Swordsmen, Undermathic, Unterm Rad, VNDL, Yasume, Zeller

ActRazer, Anoraak, Arcade High, Bourgeoisie, Carpenter Brut, D-A-D, Dance with the Dead, Garth Knight, Highway Superstar, Jordan F, Jupiter, Justice, Kavinsky, Lazerhawk, Lost Years, Lueur Verte, Mega Drive, Miami Nights 1984, Neon Shudder, Noir Deco, Palm Highway Chase, Perturbator, Protector 101, Sair, Stallions, Vector Hold

Absurd Minds, And One, Angelspit, Angel Theory, Apoptygma Berzerk, Ashbury Heights, Assemblage 23, Blutengel, Celldweller, Cesium 137, Chrom, Code 64, Colony 5, Cryo, cut.rate.box, Cyberaktif, [de.ad.cibel], Decoded Feedback, Dekad, Diorama, Diskonnekted, Dismantled, Dubmood, Edge Of Dawn, Evils Toy, Fictional, Frozen Plasma, Fusspils 11, Gecko Sector, Ghost & Writer, Goteki, Icon Of Coil, Imperative Reaction, Informatik, In Strict Confidence, Iris, Lights of Euphoria, Liquid Divine, Loomec, Machines of Loving Grace, Mental Discipline, Mesh, mind.in.a.box, Namnambulu, Necessary Response, Neuroticfish, Pride and Fall, Pulcher Femina, Ravenous, Rotersand, Ruined Conflict, Seabound, [.SITD.], Solitary Experiments, Surveillance, Syrian, Technomancer, The Parallel Project, THYX, TOY, VNV Nation, Zentriert ins Antlitz




Aes Dana, AFX, Asura, Bitcrush, Boards of Canada, BT, Carbon Based Lifeforms, Cleen, Cybernetika, Daisuke Tanabe, Deus Ex ST, Ektoplazm, Human Agency, H.U.V.A Network, Infinity Window, Innovation Reality, IP Neva, LFO, LPF12, Netcat, Noise Unit, O S L O, RAC, Red Snapper, seven7hwave, Skyramps, Slow Magic, Solar Fields, The Black Dog, The Sabres of Paradise, Tonikom, Vibrasphere

チェスマスター, デジタルフォーチュン, 18 Carat Affair, WALKMAN 91, AIR Japan, Amun Dragoon, architecture in tokyo, Archon, bbrainz, bl00dwave, Blank Banshee, B o d y l i n e, ccCaffeine, Chip choobelry, chris†††, Chuck Person, ClearVisionDream Productions, Computer Dreams, CVLTVRΣ, CYBEREALITYライフ, Dania Shapes, Darksleep, DataDisc Online, death's dynamic shroud.wmv, Disconscious, Diskette Romances, D R E A M™, Dream Monastery, Dreams West, DRE▲Mz, Drip-133, D▲RKPYR▲MID, ECO VIRTUAL, esc 不在, ESPRIT 空想, Eyeliner, Ford and Lopatin, fuji grid tv, General Translator, g h o s t i n g, GOLDEN LIVING ROOM, GOLF SWINGERS, 식료품groceries, Hayao Yamaneko, Hong Kong Express, HyperGanesh, Incorporeal Visions Deluxe, Infinite Quazar, Infinity Frequencies, INTERNET CLUB, ショッピングワールドjp, jpeg Artifacts, Kobayashi Yamato, Kodak Cameo, Lain, Laserdisc Visions, Lasership Stereo, Macintosh Plus, マクロスMACROSS 82-99, mediafired, memorex down, Miami Vice, Midnight Television, MILLENNIAL DREAM CORP, MYSTERIES OF THE WEB, New Dreams Ltd, Nmesh, Nyetscape, Oneohtrix Point Never, Penthouse Apartment, Phoenix #2772, Prefuse 73, PrismCorp Virtual Enterprises, Psychic LCD, ROBOT POLICE FORCE, Sacred Tapestry, SAINT PEPSI, SAINT PIZZA, Shima33, Shlomo, Silver Richards, Stereo Component, S U R F I N G, SYLLABUS, t e l e p a t h テレパシー能力者, The Editor, Tim Hecker & Daniel Lopatin, Topaz Gang, Topographic Maps, TOYOTAセリカ, TRIAD RESEARCH LABORTORIES, ULTRA ウルトラ, VECTOR GRAPHICS, VEKTROID, VentureX, VHSテープリワインダー, VHS Dreams, VHS Logos, vice-AIRバイス-空気自然の愛, Vincent Remember, Visaプリペイド, WTF.FM, WΔll Flowers, Young Muslim, ░▒▓新しいデラックスライフ▓▒░, 日本人 (Japanese), 猫 シ Corp, 豊平区民TOYOHIRAKUMIN, 骨架的

65daysofstatic, Aphex Twin, Blade Runner ST, C-Drone Defect, Chances End, Crystal Castles, Funker Vogt, Ghost in the Shell ST, Johnny Mnemonic ST, Juno Reactor, Kidneythieves, Lucidstatic, Neotokio ST, ohGr, Pineal Glands in Springtime, Terrorfakt, The Matrix ST, Venetian Snares, Watch Dogs ST



By "Tecno" I think you mean Ambient Techno, rather than either Tecno Brega (which I just learned was a thing): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAQHce8HXOU goddamnit, Brazil
Or actual Techno, which is a lot different from either BoC, Solar Fields or Trentmoller: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-XfvNW5kQ0#t=8m38s



thanks for the list, ima parse that and listen to it all :-)
sorry about that, maybe there is something in the thread you haven't checked out?



fack i hit the rutracker limit for 100? or something torrents, do i have to use pirate bay now or what :(



Typo I guess, but I'm not good for sorting music anyway.

There's 8chan/cyber/, they have a nice stickie.

Didn't know about that limit, try deleting rut's cookies & restarting the browser, or you can get a second account.
And there's http://vaporwave.me/archive/



Serj Tankian is pretty spot on in regards to the world we live in with his politically charged music (and videos).



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How do you guys keep up with new releases?
Tineidae's releasing a new album this monday.



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I want to start making music.
How much does one of these cost?
I usually see this setup in most freestyles on youtube.
>Kutski Freestyle Sessions 1 (Hardstyle/Hard Dance):




Hands down. When this album is playing you know some crazy soykaf is about to go down.



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First get a DAW (aka pie r8 it)
Learn it
Learn it real good

Then start concerning yourself with MIDIs

The only MIDI I'd recommend to someone who is just getting into producing is perhaps a MIDI keyboard, and if they're real good, one of those nice Roland pianos (or any brand really) with weighted keys, good velocity soykaf and all that

Otherwise don't worry until you git gud and understand what you exactly need

Oh and an audio IO interface that can drive that soykaf



>Rateyourmusic doesn't work without google
oh soykaf what
>last.fm is soykaf in general
I got rid of my account a while ago because
>scrobble botnet
also because I was being a cunt
but they gave decent recommendations for almost any artist

also nice glitch list, I'll check out your electro and synthpop list



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Jahtari for your year 3000 cyberdub

Respek the SID chip…




This Jahtari Album be more Cyber, me 'artys…




have some "Digital Hardcore" <3


i normally don't like rap and it's not exactly cyb either, but these guys are pretty great imo



oops, sorry based kalyx >>891



>oh soykaf what
It talks to google.com when you search for an artist, uses googleapis for scripts, does google analytics and you must solve a recaptcha if you want an account.

After posting that list I found Cybo, Zinovia and Go-qualia in the glitch scene.



What defines cyberpunk as a musical genre? Dystopian in lyrics and technological in sound?





Don't know much of them, as they're extremely obscure- but Anima Virus might be cyberpunk.



Can trance be considered cyb?



I'd say yes.



I really like this one. Although they aimed at epic ancient background, Enya is /cyb/ as fuarrrk.



I wouldn't say 'technological' in sound, but more 'cheaply technological' in sound.

I don't think lyrics would fit the lonely yet crowded aesthetic. Maybe choirs, but no individual singers.



I really don't know how anyone could have missed Neotokyo's OST. Ed Harrison's stuff makes me diamonds, probably my favourite bit of cyberpunk-y music.





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Links don't seem to be working?
Try this:



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